
We do not offer replacements/exchanges. If, for example, you would like a different size or colour, please return the product and order the desired size/colour via a new order on the website.

Returns are accepted without reservations within 30 days after receipt of the items. Return shipping costs are not free and is paid for by the customer, not bareen.

Returns should be sent to:
West Logistics ApS
Michael Drewsens Vej 7
8270 Højbjerg DK

For returns, please contact:

Please state your order number when sending us an email about returns.

Please also see our terms & conditions for further information regarding returns and/or complaints.

Please note that it may take 9-11 business days from the submission of a return order until it has been received and processed. Refunds of payments can take 2-3 bank days depending on the bank and payment method.