This privacy policy explains how BAREEN T-shirt (“we” or “us”) processes your personal data.

1. Data Controller

The legal entity responsible for the processing of your personal data is:

Bareen ApS

CVR No. 38262572

Sankt Gertruds Stræde 6e,

DK-1129 Copenhagen K


2. Description of the processing

Below we have explained the purposes for which we process your personal data.

2.1 When you make a purchase on our site

In connection with your purchase of our goods, we will process personal data about you. We process your personal data in order to deliver the goods you have ordered.

We process various personal data about you, including name, address, email address and telephone number.

The legal basis for the processing of your personal data is the data protection regulation, article 6, subsection 1, letter b, as the processing is necessary for the fulfillment of the contract to which you are a party. Where the processing of your personal data does not have a sufficient connection with the fulfillment of the agreement, the processing of your personal data will instead take place on the basis of the GDPR , Article 6, subsection 1, letter f, where our legitimate interest is to manage our sales.

We may share your information with our IT suppliers, business partners, warehouse and shipping company.

We will keep your information for as long as is necessary to manage our sales. However, we generally store your personal data for use for this purpose for the current financial year plus 5 years in accordance with the rules of the Accounting Act.

2.2 When you pay via Klarna

On our website, we offer that you can pay via Klarna's payment solutions - either by paying immediately or by choosing to pay later.

If you choose to pay with one of Klarna's solutions when you place an order on our website, we pass on relevant information to Klarna so that they can handle your payment. You pay for your purchase of our goods directly to Klarna.

In connection with your order, we pass on your contact information, including your name, address, phone number and email address as well as information about your order to Klarna. The disclosure takes place pursuant to GDPR, Article 6.1.b.

You can read in Klarna's privacy policy which information they collect and how this is processed when you use Klarna's payment options. Read more in Klarna's privacy policy here.

You can read in Klarna's cookie policy which information is collected and how this is processed when you visit Klarna's website. Read more in Klarna's cookie policy here.

2.3 Newsletter

You have the option to sign up for our newsletter so that you can receive news and extraordinary offers. In order to be able to send you the newsletter, we process personal data about you.

We process personal data about you in the form of your email address, which we need to send you the newsletter.

The legal basis for the processing of your personal data is the balancing of interests rule in the data protection regulation, article 6, subsection 1, letter f. According to the Marketing Act, you can always withdraw your consent if you no longer wish to receive the newsletter.

We may share your information with our IT suppliers and business partners.

We will keep your information for as long as is necessary to be able to send you our newsletter. We generally store your information for one year after you unsubscribe from our newsletter for documentation purposes.

2.4 Social media

We have a fan page or a company page on a number of social media that you can visit and use. Together with the social media, we are the joint data controller for the collection of personal data about you when you visit our page on the social media.

You can read the agreement on shared data responsibility with Facebook and Instagram here.

You can read in Facebook's privacy policy which information is collected and how this is processed when you visit our Facebook page. Read more in Facebook's privacy policy here.

You can read in Instagram's privacy policy which information is collected and how this is processed when you visit our Instagram page. Read more in Instagram's privacy policy here.

We also process the information about you that you send to us, e.g. in connection with a direct inquiry from you to us on one of the above platforms. This will typically be your name and your question to us.

The legal basis for the processing of your personal data is the data protection regulation, article 6, subsection 1, letter f, as we have a legitimate interest in getting to know the users of our pages on social media.

We do not store, and do not have access to, information about your online behavior that is collected by the social media mentioned above. We are only given access to aggregated statistical information about the number of visitors etc.

3. Transfers to countries outside the EU/EEA

We or our data processors may transfer your personal data to countries outside the EU/EEA. Below you can read more about which countries we and our data processors can transfer personal data to:

Facebook, USA: See European data policy here.

Klaviyo, USA: See the list of sub-processors here.

Shopify, Canada: See the list of sub-processors here.

Zendesk, USA: See the list of sub-processors here.

Zapier, USA: See the list of sub-processors here.

3.1 Basis of transfer

Canada is assessed by the Commission, with certain limitations, as countries that generally ensure an adequate level of protection of personal data either through legislation or through other measures. Our data processor's processing of your personal data is covered by this adequacy decision.

When transferring to countries that have not been assessed by the Commission as countries that ensure a sufficient level of protection, we will ensure that the necessary guarantees are in place by using the Commission's standard contracts, as published by the Commission or by other contracts approved by competent authorities.

You have the option of obtaining a copy of this contract/agreement by contacting us at (specify 'privacy' in the subject field).

You can also read the agreement with Klaviyo here.

4. Mandatory information

The information you provide in connection with purchases, including subscription purchases, is mandatory. If you do not provide this information, we unfortunately cannot enter into an agreement with you to deliver our goods to you.

5. Your rights

You have the following rights:

• You have the right to request access to, correction of or deletion of your personal data.

• You also have the right to have the processing of your personal data restricted.

• If the processing of your personal data is based on your consent, you have the right to revoke your consent at any time. Your revocation will not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out prior to your revocation of your consent. You can withdraw your consent and exercise your rights as set out below.

• You have the right to receive the personal data that you have provided yourself in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format (data portability).

• You can always file a complaint with a data protection supervisory authority, e.g. The Norwegian Data Protection Authority.

In addition, you have the right to object to our processing of your personal data in the following cases:

• If our processing of your personal data is based on Article 6, paragraph 1, letter e (public interest or exercise of public authority) or Article 6, subsection 1, letter f (balancing of interests), see above under processing basis, you have the right to object to such processing at any time for reasons that may relate to your particular situation.

• You also have an unconditional right to object to our processing of your personal data if we process your data for the purpose of direct marketing.

You can make use of your rights by sending us an email at (specify 'privacy' in the subject field).

There may be conditions or limitations to these rights. It is therefore not certain that you, for example, has the right to data portability in the specific case - this depends on the specific circumstances in connection with the processing activities.

Last updated: August 15, 2024